
The State Govt. provides funds under the plan scheme PM 1.10 “Assistance to NGOs” to assist various Non Government Organizations working for development of the State through various Administrative Departments viz Health and Family Welfare, Social Security and welfare, Welfare of SCs/BCs, Education, Rural Development, Animal Husbandry, Art and Culture and Planning etc.

Funding Criteria

The delivery cost(seminars, transportation) should not be more than 10% of the project cost, half of which should be borne by the NGO itself The maximum government support in the shape of grant-in-aid ordinarily would not exceed Rs.10.00 lakhs per annum. The remaining amount, if required, would be raised by the concerned NGO's themselves from their own resources and other local agencies. In no case, the grant to an NGO with more than one project shall exceed Rs.15.00 lakhs in a single financial year. However, this condition shall not be applied to projects under Service Sectors, the nature of which is to create awareness among masses.