Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals

Preparation of Four Year Strategic Action Plan (4SAP)- 2019-23 and Action Plan 2019-20

S.NO. Subject Download
1 Guidelines
pdf(Size: 956 KB, Format: PDF,Language:English)
2 Template for Departments
pdf(Size: 17 KB, Format: PDF,Language:English)
3 Annexures 1, 2, 3, 4
pdf(Size: 9.16 MB,Format: PDF,Language:English)
4 62 Priority Indicators of NITI Aayog
pdf(Size: 26 KB, Format: PDF,Language:English)
5 Data Base of 62 Priority Indicators of NITI Aayog
pdf(Size: 54 KB, Format: PDF,Language:English)
6 Other letters Clarifying Guidelines (issued on 21/12/2018,01/01/2019)
pdf(Size: 0.99 MB, Format:PDF,Language:English)
7 Guidelines for preparation/ finalization of 4 Year Strategic Action Plan 2019-23 and Annual Action Plan 2019-20- instructions issued with the approval of Chief Minister Punjab
pdf(Size: 556 KB, Format: PDF,Language:English)
8 Guidelines for Preparation/ Finalization of 4 Year Strategic Action Plan 2019-23 and Annual Action Plan - Annexure - 4 - Financial Performance
pdf(Size: 566 KB, Format: PDF,Language:English)
9 SDGs National Indicator Framework - Baseline Report, 2015-16, prepared by Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI)
pdf(Size: 10.3 MB, Format: PDF,Language:English)
10 National Indicators Framework (NIF) prepared by Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI)
pdf(Size: 569 KB, Format: PDF,Language:English)
11 Mapping of Sustainable Development Goals Targets and State Departments
pdf(Size: 100 KB, Format: PDF,Language:English)
12 SDGs – Draft Mapping of State Funded Schemes and State Department against mapping of Central Sector Schemes and Ministries Made by GoI
pdf(Size: 307 KB, Format: PDF,Language:English)
13 List of concerned officers of Planning Department for facilitating the Administrative Departments in preparation of Four Year Strategic Action Plan (4SAP) 2019-23
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14 Notifications regarding Constitution of Committees for monitoring/ review of SDGs. Notifications
15 Presentation regarding 4-SAP
pdf(Size: 1.25 MB, Format: PDF,Language:English)